The 50th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs
Co-hosted by KEK and JAEA, Japan
16-21 October, 2011
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
ERL2011 was completed successfully thanks to your contribution.
Group Photo 17 October, 2011 Proceedings of ERL2011 is available
Photos: Updated on October 24th, 2011
What's New
Proceedings of ERL2011 is available on JACoW. ( 3 July, 2013)
Deadline of paper submission was extended until November 30th. (10 November, 2011)
Thank-you letter from the chair of ERL2011 ( 28 October, 2011)
Map of Main conference room and WG place is available on the page of Travel/Venue. (14 Oct., 2011)
"Local Transportation To/From KEK" and "Shuttle bus-timetable" is available on the page of Travel. (6 Oct., 2011)
We have closed the abstract submission for oral presentation, but
we still accept post-deadline poster presentation.
Go to the abstract submission page and submit your abstract for
a poster. (27 September, 2011)
Now we have open the "Paper Submission", "Oral presentations" and " Poster Presentations" page. (20 September, 2011)
Invited speakers List and Time table are available on the page of "Scientific Program". ( 1 September, 2011)
The Participants List is available on the page of Participants List. ( 31August, 2011)
Deadline of Early Registration was extended until Sptember 2nd.(09 August, 2011)
Now we have open the Abstract Submission page.(22 July, 2011)
Post 3.11 information has been posted. Please see the " For Participants" page. (20 July, 2011)
2nd Circular (PDF:80KB) ( 17 June, 2011)
Charges of Working Grops are available on the page of Scientific Program. (9 June , 2011)
Registraton is open ! Please see the "Registration/Accommodation" page for details.
(1 June, 2011)
Additional Message on April 13, 2011 (PDF:77KB) (13 April , 2011)
The list of Conveners of Working groups is available on the page of Scientific Program. ( 28 March, 2011)
Information of Working Grops is available on the page of Scientific Program. (25 March , 2011)
Draft program (March 1) is available on the page of Scientific Program. (4 March , 2011)
1st Circular 25 January, 2011 (PDF:80KB) ( 3 February, 2011)
Last Update 09/26/2013
Under the aegis of JSSRR and PASJ
Supported by Tsukuba City (Japanes only) and Tsukuba EXPO’85 Memorial Foundation (Japanes only)