To make your registration and book your accommodation, use the secure transaction site "AMARYS", which is operated by JTB (Japan Travel Bureau) Corporation.
Notice : New online registration has been closed. If you plan to register ERL2011, please
contact the secretariat via e-mail. We will accept your registration at the
registration desk of the conference venue or at the welcome reception.

Early Registration On or before 2 |
Standard/On-site Registration On or After 3, September |
Registration fee | JPY 30,000 | JPY 35,000 |
Accompany person fee | JPY 5,000 |
**The deadline of the Early registration has been extended until September 2.
*Registration fee includes: reception (Sunday) / workshop kit / coffee breaks / excursion / program booklet .
*Accompany person fee includes: reception ( Sunday) / excursion.
Banquet Fee
JPY 5,000 per person
For Young Scientists
Support for young scientists
Financial support will be available to a select number of young scientists, who are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 35. If you request for a support, you should submit a presentation (oral or poster).
Please contact the secretariat via e-mail after completing your registration through the registration site, if you wish apply for the support.
*Deadline of apply for support : August 9, 2011
The support covers registration fee, accommodation (KEK dormitory) and a part of travel expense. The deadline for the fellowship application is same as early registration, 9/August. The amount of the support will be informed to the applicants before 1/September.
Note that we cannot transfer the budget for you even if you are approved for this program. You must register and pay the registration fee through web site, and also you need to pay the travel expense by yourself. We will hand on the expense in cash (Japanese yen) at the registration desk of ERL2011 after you arrive the conference.
**Who supported;
You will receive the support by cash (Japanese yen) in KEK. Therefore you have to pay registration fee (30,000yen) in advance on Web site.
KEK dormitory
Limited number of rooms at KEK dormitory are available to young scientists, who are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 35. Please contact the secretariat via e-mail after completing your registration through the registration site.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the secretariat via e-mail.